项目介绍 Program Introduction
VERITAS COLLEGIATE ACADEMY BEIJING CENTER在成功举办高中课程项目的基础上特别开设初中课程班,学制三年(六、七、八年级),采用纯美式教学方式及英文原版课程,在以美国课程为主的基础上结合中国教育特色,适当开设中国历史文学、中文数学、地理等课程,促进学生的知识积累,更加出色的完成教学要求。
After the success of the high school international program, Veritas Beijing Campus offers a two-year middle school curriculum(Grade 6、 Grade 7 and 8). We use American teaching methodologies and original English courses. Moreover, in addition to American courses, we also offer classes such as Chinese history and literature, Chinese Math and Chinese Geography combined with Chinese education features.
项目特色 Program features
1、美国中学学籍American middle school registration
2、以纯美式课程设置及教学为主American course curriculum-designing and teaching
3、美国本校直派外教Foreign teachers assigned directly by the Chesapeake campus
4、通过课程提升英语运用能力Improving English language skills through classes
5、直升VERITAS COLLEGIATE ACADEMY(美国、北京校区均可)Directly enrolling in Veritas High School (Chesapeake or Beijing campus)
6、为升入美国大学名校提前准备Preparing in advance for college application
项目介绍 Program Introduction
VERITAS COLLEGIATE ACADEMY BEIJING CENTER在中国开设高中实体课程班以来,成功招收了来自国内各类学校的优质学生,从教学师资、课程安排等方面受到了家长和学生的认可。让学生们在紧张快乐的环境中适应纯英文美国原版课程,激发孩子学习主动性及独立思考能力,为将来步入美国名校奠定坚实的基础。高中学制4年,学生9-11年级在北京校区就读,12年级进入美国本校完成剩余课程及大学申请。所有课程设置与美国本校同步,全部授课教师由美国本校派出,并为中国学生特别开设了TOEFL及SAT辅导课程。
Since Veritas started to offer off-line course programs in China, it has successfully recruited high-quality students from all kinds of top Chinese schools and earned recognition for its teaching resources and course arrangements. By allowing students to adapt to the original American teaching methods and promoting students’ active learning abilities and independent thinking skills, Veritas lays a solid foundation for students to enter elite universities in America. In the four-year high school program, ninth, tenth and eleventh graders study on the Beijing campus, while the twelfth graders go to America to finish the remaining courses and prepare for their college application on the Chesapeake campus. All courses in Beijing are in line with those in America, and all teachers are directly assigned by Veritas Chesapeake campus.
Targeted TOEFL and SAT tutoring courses are also available for Chinese students.
项目优势 Program advantages
1.美国学籍,中美校区灵活转换American registration. Flexible transfer between Chesapeake and Chinese campus
2.师资管理团队由美国总校直接派遣Management team directly assigned by Veritas Chesapeake campus
3.课程设置与美国同步Curriculum design is parallel to the Chesapeake campus
4.优秀学生享有免费赴美交换学习的机会 Free international exchange opportunity for excellent students
5.提供TOEFL、SAT培训课程平台TOEFL and SAT training courses
6.教学目标即进入美国大学名校Educational goal of entering elite American universities